Republican presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy made headlines with an unexpected rendition of Eminem’s hit “Lose Yourself” during a campaign event in Iowa. However, the Grammy-winning rapper, Eminem, had a different tune in mind for the newcomer’s political journey, urging the campaign...
HBO’s series “The Idol,” a collaboration between Sam Levinson and Abel “The Weeknd” Tesfaye, has faced its final curtain call as it gets canceled after its debut season. Despite generating strong audience reactions, HBO, in conjunction with the creators and producers,...
Adam Sandler, renowned for his Netflix partnership, has achieved a remarkable milestone with his latest Netflix film. Titled “You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah,” this comedy features Sandler, his wife, and their two daughters in leading roles. Surpassing...
In a significant departure from Fallout 4, Bethesda’s highly anticipated sci-fi RPG, Starfield, will feature a silent protagonist. This creative decision marks a change from their previously voiced protagonist approach and has elicited insights from lead designer Emil Pagliarulo. The shift...
In a head-to-head clash at the box office, both “Barbie” and “Gran Turismo” are vying for the crown, creating a spectacle that delves into the realms of movie bookkeeping and evolving interpretations of an opening weekend. Warner Bros., the force behind...
In an exciting turn of events, FromSoftware’s latest release, “Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon,” has soared to great heights on the Steam platform, with a notable boost attributed to its connection with the acclaimed “Elden Ring.“ According to a report...
Prepare to explore the virtual streets of Santo Ileso as leaked details unveil that the spotlight game for September’s PS Plus Essential lineup will likely be the revamped “Saints Row” from 2022. A Dealabs user by the name of Billbil-kun, known...